Kia KANA te MATA ki te Ao!
Our Kura will celebrate 121 years of operation in November 2018.
This Kura has a long rich history of serving the educational needs of the local Islands of Matakana, Rangiwaea, and Motuhoa. The population of Matakana Island is approximately 280 people.
The main industries on the Island include Dairy Farming, Kiwifruit and Avocado Orchards, and Forestry. Matakana Island also operates a Kohanga Reo, a Hauora Centre, a Native Nursery, a Post Shop, and a Sports Club. The community has a strong desire to protect its unique and traditional lifestyle. Co-operative community spirit is a very significant feature of Matakana Island life. The school is an integral part of that community spirit and their developments are interlinked.
Te Kura o Te Moutere o Matakana is a Level 1 Immersion Kura where the curriculum is delivered 80-100% in the medium of Te Reo Māori. In 2015 our Kura become a member of Ngā Kura ā Iwi o Aotearoa. In 2019 our designation change to a special character school and can cater to years 0 - 10.
Te Whakamāramatanga
Ngā Mātāpono

Whakapā mai
Wāhi Noho
Ngā Wāhanga 2024
Term 2: 29 Apr - 05 Jul
Term 3: 22 Jul - 27 Sep
Term 4: 14 Oct - 20 Dec
Ngā Hononga Tere