Kia KANA te MATA ki te Ao!



For safety and attendance reasons it is important that parents and teachers know where children are. We require a verbal or written explanation from a parent/caregiver whenever their child is absent from school before 9.30am. A daily attendance is taken a.m. and p.m. Parents are contacted if no call has been received by 10a.m.

Please contact the school by telephone 07 548 0572. 

Every day counts in education and for children to make reasonable progress, regular attendance is essential.

Parents and/or truancy officer will be contacted where prolonged or regular absence causes concern.



Children have the option to open a Headstart account with ASB Bank.  A deposit box is located in the office where they can deposit money, the administrator will then bank all monies on a town day.  Forms can be found in the office.



The Ministry of Education are the contractors for the bus run.  If your child qualifies to use the bus a Bus User Agreement will need to be signed by the parent to ensure your child knows of the bus rules.  These forms are included in your enrolment pack.



All school stationery and equipment is supplied by the Kura.  New Entrants (5 year olds) will receive an entrance pack.



Please clearly name your children’s clothing. Should your child misplace items of clothing lost property is held in a box in each classroom, which can be inspected at any time. The school does not accept responsibility for the loss of any jewellery or money items. The school holds no responsibility for any unusual or valuable items that may be brought to school.


The school is committed to natural justice and seeking low level resolution in the very first instance. Our Concerns/Complaints Procedure is available from office on request. Parents and Caregivers are encouraged to take a support person with them if need be. 


The school supports the Duffy Books in Homes and the children receive free books during the year, which help the children to succeed.  Children also have the opportunity to receive more books through Caught Being Good Awards. Children are chosen to receive a free book, which they get to choose for themselves. The book is presented to them on Fridays.



200ml of milk is available for each student daily at school.

KidsCan provides in other areas of need. All this support ensures that our students are well equipped to focus on their learning and able to progress as expected. We are fortunate to be part of these programmes.



Children's teeth are examined by the school Dental Nurse annually. The school dental nurse may be contacted by phoning 07 5740214. 



This programme is initiated by the Ministry of Health. The programme aims to promote the health and wellbeing of children in our school. It focuses on four priority areas: healthy eating, physical activity, being sun smart and smoke free. Fruit is delivered to the school once a week and it is distributed to the children on a daily basis.


For reasons of safety please notify the school if your child has an allergy to bee or wasp stings or similar. Any required medication during school hours should be left at the school office clearly labelled. Please complete the “Request to Administer Prescribed Medication” form, which is available from the office. We also need to be informed of any medical treatment your child may be receiving. The Public Health Nurse visits the school once a term.


All students need to have signed an Internet Use Permission form to be able to use the school's Internet connection and ICT equipment. We are a Google Apps School using the free tools made available to schools to enhance and open up the learning potential of our students. 


The Board have implemented a Huka Kore Policy.  Children are not to have sugary kai such as muesli bars, yoghurts, cakes, packet lollies etc at school. The kura has a fridge & microwave that the children can access. Healthy kai is encouraged to maximise learning. Children are required to drink water or milk only, whilst at school.


In late 2020 the Government rolled out the Lunches in Schools Programme.  Our kura is fortunate enough to be enrolled in this programme, it will be run through to the end of 2024.  Healthy lunches will be provided to every tamaiti that is enrolled at our kura.  This programme is not compulsory but tamariki are encouraged to participate.  Whaea Hinekura Murray provides this service for our kura.


We can make good use of a variety of materials in art and development activities; items such as newspaper, magazines, wool, material, sacking, cartons, boxes, old dresses, hats, cardboard and jars etc. Think of us before you throw anything like this away.


The school has a fortnightly newsletter that is published every alternate Wednesday. This along with Facebook and Skool loop App are our main forms of regular communication between the school and your home. We encourage you to read all communications and make note of coming events. 



Parents should contact the school office if they wish to make an appointment to see a teacher so a suitable time can be arranged. Parents should only contact a teacher within school hours, or at home in an emergency or by prior arrangement.

We do, however, have an open door policy and parents are invited into the classroom and join in the daily activities.

The School telephone number is 07 548 0572. Messages can be left and will be given to the person concerned at the earliest convenient time.


Parental involvement in the school community is essential to the success of the school. Parents are encouraged to participate fully in our programmes. It is appreciated when parents offer help with classroom programmes, educational trips and visits, coaching, fundraising and Board of Trustees work.


We have books and birthday cards for our preschoolers who are aged 1, 2, 3 and 4. If you have any preschoolers at home, please let us know and we will send home one free book a year for the child, until they turn 5.



These are teachers who advise on children with learning/behaviour difficulties. 

Parents can access this help through ringing Sarah Te Mete 021 194 1335


Terms 1 and 4, there is compulsory wearing of regulation sunhats. Those without are confined to shaded areas for safety reasons. Sun Hats are kept at the school for use during school hours.


SWIS – Social Workers In School

We are part of this organisation, which we find forms a valuable partnership between home and school. Further information regarding SWIS is available at the school office



Outside technology will be held at Taumata Primary School 4 times a term for Years 7 & 8.  Children will travel with a parent or on the school van and are expected to adhere to all relevant guidelines and rules.  There is a fee charged by Taumata school per student that the board subsidises. 



We have a compulsory school uniform that consists of a maroon polo shirt, black shorts/pants, black polar fleece jersey.  Sports shirts, sun hat, beanie and school jackets are also available for purchase at the school office.

Te Kura o Te Moutere o Matakana