Kia KANA te MATA ki te Ao!
Kia KANA te MATA ki te Ao!
Karakia and Mōteatea
Karakia and Mōteatea
We begin every day with whole kura karakia, mihimihi and waiata. We are deliberate about teaching Ngāi Te Rangi mōteatea to our tamariki.
Mau Rākau
Mau Rākau
Once a term, our Year 5-8 boys attend the Tauranga Moana wide, 3 day Mau Rākau wānanga that is facilitated by Ngā Hīhī o Koopu Parapara. These wānanga rotate around the many marae of Tauranga Moana.
Normally the kura will perform at the Rā Whakangahau which is a non-competitive kapahaka festival for Tauranga Primary Schools. The kura also enters the Tauranga Moana Regional Primary School Kapahaka Competition that is held every second year. Learning iwi and hapū waiata ngahau and haka is evident at our kura.
Te Kura o Te Moutere o Matakana