Staffroom Hire
Staffroom & Meeting Room Booking Policy
Booking Fees
1 - 4 hours $50
5+ hours $100
Guidelines & Procedures
Wash, dry, and put away all dishes used.
If tea towels are used, these must be washed, dried, and returned asap.
Excessive amounts of leftover food must be taken away.
All rubbish to be taken away. No rubbish is to be left in the kitchen or put in school bins.
Smoking and Alcohol is strictly prohibited.
For larger gatherings (8+ people), floors need to be swept/vacuumed and mopped.
Staffroom and outside toilets need to be cleaned.
All surfaces need to be wiped down using hot soapy water and or disinfectant sprays.
Furniture to be left as it was found.
Buildings need to be locked on departure. Arrangements need to be made with a
staff member to make sure this is done.Toilet paper and hand towel use is included in the booking fee.